Taylor Alison Swift

There is a video on YouTube called, "Taylor Alison Swift." If you search this, you will find nothing. But if you search this for a few times, all you could see is a 20 second video of a woman staring at you, expressionless.

This is only part of the actual video.
The full video was 2 minutes long, and was removed by YouTube by 153 people who viewed the video gouged out their eyes and mailed them to YouTube's main office in San Bruno. The other people that watched the video, had also commited suicide in various ways. The video itself was viewed by one YouTube staff member, who started screaming after 1 minute. This man is now under constant sedation and is apparently unable to recall what he saw. Staff members rushed into the room, while he was viewing it, and they turned off the video for him and say that all they heard at the time was a high-pitched drilling sound. None of them dared look at the screen.
The person who uploaded the video was never found, the IP address being non-existant.
(This is the real video. But it got archived by QWZ RNP. Enjoy what you can.)